ARCTIC LINK by Ian Purnell

Shot on a vessel that lays fibre optic cables, the film follows the construction of the world wide web and reflects on the complicated relationship between humans and the Internet.

Feature Documentary, in production

Writer & Director: Ian Purnell
Producer: Franziska Sonder
Co-producer: Swiss National Broadcaster (SRF)

DOP: Marie Zahir

Supported by: Fachausschuss Film und Medienkunst BS/BL, Bundesamt für Kultur (BAK), Zürcher Filmstiftung, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Anne Marie Schindler Stiftung, CASA NELL’ARTE, Markant Stiftung, Kulturstifung Berlin

Winner of the «Kompagnon-Fellowships Prize», Perspektive Deutsches Kino, Berlinale 2020